GWInstek GSM-20H10 Precision DC Source MeterBrief descriptionGW Instek GSM-20H10 is a precision source meter that provides highly stable DC power and instrument-grade 61-digit multimeter measurements. While operating, it can be used as a voltage source, current source, voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter, which is uniquely ideal for the evaluation of component characteristics and the test applications of production, including nanomaterials and components, semiconductor architecture, organic materials, high-efficiency illumination, passive components and material characteristics analysis, etc. Properties
Technical DescriptionDMMs and power supplies are common instruments in our laboratories. When we need to analyze the characteristics of materials or electronic components, we can achieve characteristic curve analysis by connecting a DMM and a power supply. Complicated wiring and settings often cause problems for users, so we have a better choice called Functions
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